M9 Museum, Mestre, Italy.
The museum is centred around 8 sections, each offering different and complementary experiences: emotion, engagement, general information, historical details to be explored at will, the stories of people, families and enterprises.
I developed in collaboration with Clonwerk SRL five interactive installations for M9, in its Section no.4, called "Economy, work, production and wellbeing". This section highlights the process of modernising the Italian economic and production system, telling how the Italy of work and production changed.
All installations have been developed using Unity3D. During the development, much of the team effort was focused on usability and ergonimic factors, trying to offer a final interaction both practical and simple at the same time. The graphic team worked hard to achieve old-style Look&feel in Unity & optimize performances at the same time.
These are 3 interactive installations based on the biggest Italian car factory: the FIAT.
Each installation is an interactive totem that the user can control using one hand (via LEAP motion sensor).
These games allow the user to participate in the assembly line, during the process of Pressing, Wlding, and Painting.

The Blast Furnace
This is a huge installation in the center of Section 4 of the museum: a long table with 4 50" monitors, each of them is connected to a lever. It is a multiplayer game (up to 4 players): before the game starts each player choose a monitor, and from that time on he will be responsible to use the lever at the right time. Depending on the location, he will activate a Crucible, a Conveyor train or a Cutter, and he must do it at the right time!
Lane Rossi
These are 3 interactive installations based on one of the biggest Italian textile factory: Lane Rossi.
Like the previous one, each installation is an interactive totem with LEAP motion sensor.
This time the user can participate in the textile assembly line, during the process of Carding, Spinning, and Waving.

M9 Museum official website